Car Need a Tune Up?  Mesa AZ’s Accurate Automotive is Your Source.

From time to time, every car on the road requires a tune up.  Mesa AZ residents are in luck because Accurate Automotive provides the utmost service at the most reasonable prices when it comes to tuning up a car to restore performance and fuel economy.

To begin with, a properly maintained car that is serviced regularly simply runs better and lasts longer than a car that is not cared for properly.  Drivers that want to keep their car running smoothly and comfortably need to take caution to bring it in to a qualified technician for regular maintenance.  This is particularly true when it comes to engine tune-ups, because after all, the engine is key to the operation of a vehicle.  In addition to preserving the health of the automobile, regular engine tune-ups can help with fuel economy.  An engine that is tuned up regularly consumes less gas, and will end up saving the driver money in the long run.

Moreover, drivers who rely on Accurate Automotive always know what they are getting.  The technicians at Accurate Automotive operate under the philosophy that the customer should always be informed before the work is performed.  This goes for the most routine maintenance tasks as well as specialized service.  Even with something as simple as a regular tune up, the technicians at Accurate Automotive provide customers with a comprehensive explanation of the service as well as insight as to any potential problems that may arise with the automobile.

One thing for drivers to keep in mind is that car dealerships are expensive when it comes to getting an engine tune up.  Drivers can save significantly by bringing their autos into Accurate Automotive, where the service is top notch, but much more affordable than that provided at a dealership.

When drivers bring their cars into Accurate for an engine tune up, here is some of what they can expect the technicians to do:

  1. Replace the Air Filter.  With gas prices always on the rise, it is important to optimize a car’s fuel economy, and replacing the air filter is one of the best ways of doing this.  Every time a car is tuned up at Accurate Automotive, a technician will inspect the air filter and replace it if needed.
  2. Examine the Engine.  The engine is really the heart of an automobile, and unless it is running efficiently and properly, the car simply will not perform at its peak.  Every time a car is tuned up at Accurate Automotive, an experienced technician will examine the engine to ensure that all of the belts, hoses and wires are in good condition.  If any problems are noted, the technician will inform the driver before making expensive repairs.
  3. Check Ignition Timing.  When the timing is out on the ignition, a car will simply not run at peak performance.  Moreover, poor timing causes decreased fuel economy.  A tune up at Accurate Automotive includes checking the timing and making any adjustments that may be required.
  4. Clean the Fuel Injection Mechanism.  Fuel injection systems seem to gather dirt and grime rather easily.  And unless they are cleaned routinely, the car will not run properly.  Every car that is tuned up at Accurate Automotive undergoes a fuel injection system cleaning.  On older automobiles that operate with a carburetor instead of a fuel injection system, a technician will instead examine the carburetor to ensure it doesn’t need adjusting.
  5. Replace Spark Plugs.  Changing the spark plugs is a simple practice that can greatly enhance a car’s performance.  When a technician changes the spark plugs, drivers can count on improved fuel economy and a smoother running engine.
  6. Check and Change Fluids.  Every car has a variety of fluids that must be clean and full for the car to operate at its best.  An Accurate Automotive technician checks each of these fluids every time he tunes up a car.

Drivers who neglect to tune up their car regularly pay the consequences.  This is too bad, as it is much easier to take a car in for a tune up on a regular basis than it is to deal with a car that is not running properly.  East Valley residents who need a tune up in Mesa, AZ need only to remember that Accurate Automotive is their source.



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