Living in Arizona, some drivers mistakenly believe that checking their antifreeze is unnecessary. This couldn’t be farther from the truth, as antifreeze (coolant) is important to the proper functioning of a vehicle. Accurate Automotive’s top priority is ensuring that their customers’ cars are safe and performing optimally. To make sure this happens, Accurate’s team of technicians provide their customers with the greatest degree of customer service and attention to vehicles. Additionally, Accurate Automotive provides customers with information so that they can personally take steps to ensure their cars are running at their peak. In this article, Accurate Automotive is glad to provide some information on how and why it is important for drivers to check antifreeze. Mesa AZ drivers can rely on Accurate Automotive to assist them with any issues that arise in this regard.

First of all it is important for drivers to understand that failing to keep their antifreeze levels topped off could result in serious problems to the engine. As such, simply taking a little time to stay on top of this maintenance step could not only help the car run better, but even prolong the life of the car substantially.

A typical automobile coolant radiatorOnce drivers are committed to checking their antifreeze, they need to know something about engine coolant. When drivers go to the auto parts store, they will find that there are many different coolants to choose from. Depending on the make and model of their car, the coolant they need differs. Some newer cars require extended-life antifreeze, and it will damage the engine to use a regular coolant on these cars. Drivers who have any question as to which antifreeze they require should call Accurate Automotive for assistance.

After getting the proper coolant, drivers can proceed to check antifreeze. But before doing so, they need to make sure that their engine has cooled. This is important so we will say it again: When checking antifreeze, the engine must be entirely cooled!

Drivers should begin the antifreeze check with a visual examination of the cooling system. They should make sure that the system has not collected any dirt or debris. If it appears dirty, they can remove the dirt and grime, as this will help the system perform optimally. As long as they are looking at their engine, drivers should then check the water pump drive belt to make sure the tension feels good. Checking the radiator and the hoses to make sure they are not dry or cracked is also a good idea. If the radiator or hoses appear worn, it is probably a good idea to bring the car into Accurate Automotive for professional assistance. Once the driver has completed this visual inspection, he or she can perform the antifreeze check. By looking at the cooling system tank, one can tell whether more coolant needs to be added by seeing whether the coolant level is somewhere between the high and low mark on the side of the tank. If the coolant level is low, drivers should use the coolant they purchased from the auto parts store to top it off.

All of this is simple to do, and can be done from home if drivers are comfortable with automobiles. However, many people simply prefer to have a professional handle this type of work. If this is the case, there is one place drivers can go for an antifreeze check. Mesa, AZ is home to Accurate Automotive, where drivers can rest assured that their car is in good hands.



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