Our team at Accurate Automotive provides the BEST Quality Automotive experience we believe you can receive anywhere. We are committed to your Satisfaction!!
What sets us apart from the next shop down the street? If you've been to us in the past you already know. We CARE about your automotive needs. We are HONEST and Thorough. We want your Referrals. We want your Business repeatedly, and we want to save you money in the process.
Accurate Automotive will give you a 10% discount on Labor for life - If you are willing to share that discount with at least 10 members of your family, your friends, neighbors, or coworkers. We want people that you can count on to visit Accurate Automotive 3 times a year for their normal routine automotive maintenance and repair. There are no limit to the size of your fleet, and you can get even bigger discounts as your fleet grows. Groups over 20 receive an extra 3% per visit and groups over 30 receive another 2% per visit. When your fleet exceeds 40 people the discount goes to 18% off the normal posted door rate. The savings are HUGE and the program costs NOTHING. That's right!! There are no sign up fee's or hidden costs.
Why would we do this? We routinely provide these benefits to our big Corporate Fleet customers because of their volume and their loyalty to Accurate Automotive. Now, we want to offer the same advantage to our regular customers. By grouping your Friends and Family together as a Fleet, we can inventory the parts you need, schedule your maintenance, saving time and money. Everybody WINS!!!
Interested? Want to sign up a Family Fleet? All you need to do is discuss this opportunity with all of your perspective members and get their commitment to go to Accurate Automotive at least 3 times per year for all their automotive maintenance & repair. Sign up, receive your numbered Family Fleet tags and start saving. ( This tag is not transferable and must be brought in at time of service work.) Remember that 10 is the magic number. Any less than 10 per Fleet will result in all members of that Fleet forfeiting their group discount.
Please contact Lee Weatherby at 480-890-0409 and get started on BIG SAVINGS!!!